
We offer consultancy services in property development and management.

Our client can always confide in us as we are team of professionals (Architect, Builder, Town planner, Estate valuer, Land surveyor, Civil and Structural engineers) in the built environment.


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Securing small and vast amount
of land & preparation

Our firm engages in assisting our clients to secure small or large expanse of parcel of lands in both rural or urban area within Benin City, and other urban areas in Edo state for developments purposes. We ensure that the land is fully acquired and taken possession of with the perfection of all the necessary documents in our clients name such as perimeter survey plan, obtainment of Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) or government consent on the property. 

Our firm thereafter carryout the preparation of layout plan of the parcel of land into various land uses such as residential plots, commercial plots, industrial plots, agricultural plots, recreational plot etc.

Layout and construction

In the planning aspect, our firm ensures that the estate structure, premise and environ are aesthetically organized/planned with services/facilities. In the area demarcated for residential development, fitted design model can be applied for holistic development of the estate for our client(s). Sales of plots of lands can commence in area demarcated for sale. The next stage after the design is to estimate the cost of building apartment to determine the total estimate for the number of houses in the estate. When this has been done, the construction works commence and the task of project and facilities management become our major responsibilities.


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Get better deal by
surveying/valuating your property

We undertake valuation of assets for all purpose. Where you want to buy or sell property, we undertake the survey and value your property to know the current market price, thereby creating opportunity for you to profit or benefit from either buying or selling. Without valuation/surveying of property, a seller may sell less amount of money than the real market price, while on the other hand the buyer may pay more amount of money than he/she needs to pay. As your consultant, we make sure that you stand to benefit from either buying or selling.


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Investigating a land before buying

The consultancy service here covers all aspects of property investigations, e.g. identification of site, to know whether the land belong to the community or State Government or Federal Government. It also covers the examination of title documents (deed of transfer and title root) pertaining to the land, to find out whether they are authentic and dully registered. We therefore provide professional guide to our client to make sure that they buy or sell genuine property, which does not belong to government but to the community and which does not have dispute.


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Apart from building plan
we also do land use plan design

In addition to building plan design, we also design and prepare land use plans for agriculture, commercial, industrial and educational development. We also prepare land use plan for recreational development, like games (swimming pools, table tennis, long tennis etc), entertainment centres, picnic sports or relaxation areas for urban dwellers. The purpose of this is to provide for the social and psychological wellbeing of the users for a healthy living.


Our firm has registered surveyors to conduct perimeter survey plans for properties owners on newly purchased landed property or existing landed property that has no survey plan in owner’s name.


We conduct field survey on proposed projects or business sites, to assess the physical, social and economic viability of intending development and provide professional guild to investors.


In accordance with the provision of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act Cap E12 LFN 2004 which makes it mandatory for proponents of all new major development activities to carry out environmental impact assessment of their proposed projects, our firm offers consultancy services on private and public development projects. We prepare environmental impact assessment report on all proposed large scale projects such as banks, filling stations ,gas station ,hotels ,entertainment or events centre’s ,shopping malls, proposed school buildings and hotels etc, where the potential impacts of proposed projects on the environment are identified and predicted. The impact indicators considered relevant in this impact analysis are:

01. The impact on the drainage situation of the area.

04.The impact on safety (fire accident potential).

02.Environmental effect and public health.

The impact on the environmental quality of the area and the public health. Here the provision of adequate waste disposal facilities is the mitigation measure.

05.The socio_economic impact.

03. The impact on vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

06. The noise pollution of the environment and mitigation measure.

EIA Report is required along with developers title document, survey plan and tax clearance
certificate for the processing and approval of building plans for all proposed major projects
mentioned above . While for the processing and granting of C of O, addition of National identity card /International passport/Driving license, NEPA bill and 3 passports and required.



This is a proposed development program to be pursued and undertaken by Eghecrown Nig. Ventures & Co in all the undeveloped areas within communities in Benin City peripheral environments. 

The purpose is to provide for coordinated and right use of land within the undeveloped area, and to assist prevent the problems of land disputes which have lingered on over the years due to lack of planning of our communities. Eghecrown Nig. Ventures & Co. perceives that our people deserve a well organized and planned environment that promote good sanitary healthy condition for living, working, circulation and recreation.

Government alone, we know cannot be able to plan all our communities, and this is the major reason why we came up with this programme, which we expect every undeveloped community around Benin City to key into. We also intend to reach out to rural communities to encourage settlement planning. 

We have problem of physical development control today in our city because of lack of planning. With this program every community is expected to be well endowed with basic infrastructural facilities and services that will make life meaningful for everyone. Private individuals and developers who have large expanse of land for development will be encouraged to consult our professional expertise for comprehensive planning of their communities lands to enable them put their land resources for better use, to enhance socio-economic development in the community. 

The sole idea of developers using all their land spaces for houses (housing development) without consideration of other land use activities such as education (schools,) commercial (market, banks etc), recreation (play/game areas, event centres etc) and industrial use (small and large scales manufacturing areas etc), do not provide for favourable and conducive dwelling places for urban dwellers.

This is because, a neighbourhood unit within the community should be self-contained and provided with the relevant communities facilities and services (physical and social infrastructural facilities and services) to sustain the inhabitants without them migrating to the city centre for these facilities and services.



LPIPP is a program established as part of Eghecrown property services aimed at encouraging, inspiring and galvanizing young business men and women to own their landed property (piece of land) in Benin city and environs through instalmental payment of any amount of money monthly or quarterly (every three months) into the Secured Property Account (SPA) of Eghecrown Nig.
Ventures & Co, till the total amount of money required to purchase piece of land is completed. 

The total amount of money that would be paid instalmentally into the Secured Property Account of the company will be determined by the size of land and location in Benin City and environs. A piece of land such as 50ft by 100ft may require a total sum of between N500, 000 to N 700,000 to purchase depending on the location or area.

While a land of 100ft by 100ft may require a total sum of between N800,000 to 1,000,000, and above depending on the area or location. A land of 100ft by 200ft will require a total sum of between N 2,000,000.00 to N3,000,000.00 or between N4,000,000.00 to N5,000,000.00 or more, depending on the location or area. The total instalmental amount paid into the Secured Company Account in the name of our client will be properly documented by the company and a financial report will be given to our clients every year to keep them abreast of our transactions.

At the end of the duration or period within which the required amount of money to purchase a piece of land in any location or area is achieved , our client will be issued a cheque by the company and he or she will be given back the money to buy his or her Land. The Company’s service charge will be 10% of the total installment (total money) paid by our client during the period. 

There will be transparency in “LAND PURCHASE INSTALMENTAL PAYMENT SCHEME” as the company aimed at giving all our clients the best of satisfaction in line with our company’s Motto: “IN GOD WE TRUST” We believe strongly in God, and our desire is to replicate Gods nature (Faithfulness) in this program. 

Our client will have no need to entertain any doubt about our ability and determination to deliver. For our client to be well assured of getting back whatever amount of money contributed towards LPIPS, after the deduction of 10% of the total amount by the company, a bond of agreement between our client and the company would be prepared by the company’s lawyer for both parties to sign at the starting stage of the transaction and at the end of the transaction period.


  • Renovations and restructuring of existing buildings to modern standards.
  • Industrial estate development.
  • Commercial layout (Factory, company, firm, hotel, filling station, event/entertainment
    centre, gas station, shopping mall, banks, telecommunication network etc).
  • Educational development (university master plan, polytechnic master plan, primary/nursery
    schools master plan).
  • Residential master plan development (estate master plan, community layout plan, private
    land master plan etc).
  • Building plan designs: we undertake building plan design for storey buildings, duplex,
    bungalow, 1 flat building, 2 flat building, 3 flat building, 4 flat and above etc.
  • Supplies of quality standards building materials such as aluminium roofing materials,
    blocks, granites, sands, cements, doors, windows, Pvcs, arts works, quality paints, floor tiles,
    woods and services.


Let's talk about your project